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March 28, 2022

‘Sharing is caring’ on your Intranet

Sharing is caring, ‘Sharing is caring’ on your Intranet

The intranet is the perfect tool to build a strong sense of community and companionship among work colleagues. This is essential for maintaining a successful company culture as employees need to feel like they belong and are valuable. Encouraging people to share and connect on an intranet platform promotes collaboration and teamwork that drives strong results.

Below are 7 ways for employees to connect and share with each other on the intranet:

Share a conversation

Provide employees with an area to start and engage in a conversation – in GreenOrbit we call these channels, but they can be known as a forums. Employees can begin a discussion, and post an idea or a question.  Other employees can comment and expand upon these ideas. Channels can bring unrelated workers together to discuss a wide range of subjects, often a business problem that may end up being solved.

Share an opinion

How about creating an area where employees can ask the CEO and other executive’s questions about company objectives or other decisions, and where they can receive an open and honest answer in return

Or get involved and submit a response to a quick poll. Quick polls allow employees to share opinions on a variety of topics. Quick polls are a simple but effective way to gauge opinion throughout the organisation or just with your team members, for example; How do they feel about the workload? Do they understand the business strategy? Where shall we go for lunch?

Share a good job done

The Intranet is the ideal place to recognize employees’ efforts and for living out your company values. Showing appreciation to your employees by applauding them can do wonders in terms of employee morale, loyalty and retention. Use your intranet platform and dedicate a space for sharing employee success stories, outstanding achievements, new qualifications, or just saying “Thank you for a job well done.” Here at GreenOrbit, we share #StaffShoutouts internally to celebrate exceptional work. Through likes and comments, the ‘applause’ can be heard wherever we are.

Sharing is caring, ‘Sharing is caring’ on your Intranet

Share some news

GreenOrbit allows any employee to create a news article, and then through the permissions hierarchy these can be approved by the admin teams to ensure it meets editorial standards. Why not let your workers share stories of what’s happened around the business that week, and tie it back to your organizational mission and values.

Share your expertise

Find colleagues with particular expertise and skill. Employees can self-manage and share information about their areas of expertise – making it easy to build project teams and foster collaboration. Expertise is just one area that can contribute to the employee building a rich profile so that they can be found via the profile directory

Share a photo or a video

Consider sharing a photo…maybe have a competition where employees can comment and select which one they like best. Photo contests are great way to increase engagement and drive interest

Sharing is caring, ‘Sharing is caring’ on your Intranet

Share workload

If you're currently relying solely on one team member to produce content, and then forward that to the next person, then you're missing out on a key aspect of productivity. GreenOrbit allows your employees work collaboratively on the same item. While one team member is writing the intro, another team member could be fleshing out the body on the same piece of content

Research shows that transparency within a company is the highest determining factor of employee happiness. So, it’s time to start sharing!

Sharing is caring, ‘Sharing is caring’ on your Intranet

Want to know more about GreenOrbit Intranet and its sharing features contact a consultant for a personalized demo.  

Article written by Toby Milner

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