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October 28, 2022

Using #Hashtags on your Intranet  

, Using #Hashtags on your Intranet  

A hashtag—written with a # is essentially a way to group together conversations or content around a certain topic, making it easy for people to find content that interests them. They were originally created for Twitter but are now a staple feature on Intranets. 

The Channels application is the main GreenOrbit feature that uses hashtags, e.g., #Safety, #CEO, #Celebrations. All users can post in Channels and use existing hashtags and those who have the correct Security can add new Channels/hashtags.  

In addition, content can be tagged using the existing hashtags in order to “push” that content to the respective Channel(s); for example, publishing news articles, creating a content page, adding files and setting up events in the calendar. Users can subscribe to specific channels that interest them and they will receive notifications about content updates and new information.  

A few tips to help you with hashtagging:  

  • Use hashtags to raise awareness for a cause or to start a conversation. 
  • Use relevant and specific hashtags. Like #HR, #SummerParty, #Operations, #ShoutOut. If it is too obscure, it will be hard to find and other Intranet users won’t likely use it.  
  • Make them easy to remember, and spell. Don’t leave room for people to make typos  
  • Limit the number of hashtags you use. More isn’t always better. It looks spammy.  
  • Use them consistently. Build up the conversation around the topic, don’t let it be used just once  

Hashtagging content will help get the conversation flowing; driving your organization towards a community-based culture that encourages staff to ask questions and share feedback with their peers and partners. 

Article written by Toby Milner

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