Employee handbooks can go by different names, such as staff manual, welcome manual or company guidebook.
Traditionally, back in the day… the employee handbook was a hard copy document that communicated your company’s values, policies and expectations. Employers handed this to employees to clearly explain their rights and responsibilities while they’re employed with the company.
However, gone are the days of employee handbooks looking like huge tomes of corporate spiel – it’s all about getting the message across effectively, using multiple channels.
A new starter should access the employee handbook on their first day. They are designed to cover everything a new hire needs to know to get started at their job. A well designed employee handbook will increase the newbie’s effectiveness from the get go.
It is important to the success of the business that new employees immediately understand the values, mission and direction that the company is heading
A well-written handbook provides employees with a clear understanding of the working relationship and emphasises what the organisation expects of them
A handbook should accurately communicate a company’s policies regarding employment, conduct and behaviour, compensation and other important policies and procedures.
Employers can use employee handbooks as a way of providing supervisors with guidance on key management policies, such as staff performance and disputes, interviewing and hiring guidelines.
Let employees know what they are entitled to e.g. health insurance, paid parental leave or any other benefits?
A comprehensive and complaint employee handbook will show that the company informed its employees and reaffirms that company policies and procedures were in place at the time of the complaint.
It’s very likely that you already have most or all the information you need floating around in multiple destinations, so it may be a matter of pulling it together in an intuitive and appealing way. Key content you will want to consider for inclusion could be some of the following
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