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Plan an Intranet where people get work done faster, better, and with less hassle.

How to Generate a Convincing Intranet Business Case

Intranets are a vitaly important asset in today’s business world. One of the most important activities you will undertake on the road to building your new intranet is to gain management approval and endorsement. In our experience nearly all organizations need a business case with sound arguments to justify the additional investment. To help you with the development of your business case the GreenOrbit team have created a business case template, and an ROI calculator that will help with the financial analysis element.
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Where to Start?

The business case should contain necessary information about cost and resource requirements, benefits and risks involved, evaluation of issues, recommended solutions and a clear path to return on investment (ROI).

To create a strong intranet business case you will need a document that contains the following:

Situational Analysis - Explore your current situation, pain points and illustrate your high-level  goals, objectives, risks and costs.
Business Context Analysis - Define how the project will affect each part of the business. Including issues and opportunities, and the stakeholders that may be impacted.
Project Scope - Define the objectives of your intranet project, including what will be a part of the initial scope and what is out of scope
Solutions Considered/Recommended - Outline and compare the solutions that are being considered as part of the project and why the successful solution was chosen
Financial Analysis - Detail all costs associated with the project, as well as providing Cost/Benefit analysis and Return on Investment data.
Non-Financial Benefits - Identify the benefits and features of the solution and how they will positively impact the organization.
Risk Assessment - Document any risks associated with or with not proceeding with the project.


An intranet needs to able to prove its value before a company is likely to invest any money. Below are some key non-financial and financial benefits to include in your business case 

Non-Financial Benefits

Improve employee engagement, encourages sharing of information and keeps the conversations flowing
Enables effective, efficient and timely communications, enhancing staff experience
Keeps knowledge within the company - preserving your corporate memory
Better customer service - a central place to store call scripts and standard operating procedures for example. One source of the truth 
Peace of mind that company data is being stored in a secure environment  
Contributes to building and maintaining a good company culture. Happy employees make for a more productive workforce 

Financial benefits

Consider a cloud based Intranet, saving money on infrastucture and storage costs
Streamline business processes, move offline process online - employees can self-serve through online forms for example 
Giving time back to staff  e.g. less emails sent, centralized documents, less searching. Employees should have have more time to give to other tasks. Download our ROI calculator by filling in the form above 
Easy access to the latest sales and marketing information - crucial in making that deal.

7 Ways to Unlock Productivity

Up to 68% of employees don’t have enough hours in the day to get work done. Relieve the stress with a centralized intranet platform that speeds-up processes, fosters easy collaboration, and helps people to focus on what’s important. Download our eBook to find out how.
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Get going

Let’s explore how GreenOrbit can get your organization where it needs to go. Schedule a demo with one of our intranet experts today.
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